www.Kropf.net statistics

(Example and Explanations)

The "304's" below are requests served by the browser's local cache.
i.e. the page was visited previously, and a copy still resides in a cache,
therefore if the page hasn't changed, the server doesn't need to resend the page.

All URL pages don't necessary exist, they simply show the URL that was requested.
These reports are compiled on a monthly basis.

For the period between 01/Oct/2000:00:36:12 and 31/Oct/2000:23:57:17 -

                    Total hits:     3186  (This includes images and non-existant pages)
            Total unique hosts:      822  (A rough count of "people" accessing your site)

  A 'hit' is counted for every object from the web site.  
  If your current homepage has 15 images on it, there will be 16 hits to
  load that page (the text document itself and the 15 images).

  The number of "Total unique hosts" is closer to the actual number of
  people viewing the site.  Although 'proxy/cache servers' (used in
  abundance by AOL, etc.) regularly distort the statistics.  AOL in particular
  may use 16 different 'proxy/cache servers' to load a 15 image 'home page'.
  And after those objects are loaded into their proxy/cache servers, subsequent
  AOL customers can view those objects for a period of time without your
  web site even seeing that traffic.

  Generally the closest indicator of your site traffic is in the section 
  titled "The most commonly accessed URL's".  The 'Number of Accesses' 
  for the 'URLs' ending in '.html' show how many times that particular 
  page was loaded.  (This 'access' could be by a person's browser,
  or by a search engine's 'robot'.)  The '304' code means a previous viewer
  accessed the page again, but the server did not need to 'serve' it because
  the viewer's browser already had that page in their local 'cache'.
  i.e.  that was a 'repeat visit'.

Top 20 hours of the period
Count       Bytes  304's  Date/Time
   88      825326      0  01/Oct/2000:16
   46      367272      0  21/Oct/2000:21
   38      350509      0  22/Oct/2000:02
   37      287550      0  27/Oct/2000:14
   33      348516      0  20/Oct/2000:18
   31      113410     20  01/Oct/2000:03
   30      207068      4  18/Oct/2000:10
   29      267176      0  09/Oct/2000:09
   29      230460      1  19/Oct/2000:09
   27      201375      0  20/Oct/2000:21
   26      279901      0  23/Oct/2000:05
   26      170419      0  13/Oct/2000:12
   25      215675      0  15/Oct/2000:16
   24      169403      0  31/Oct/2000:04
   23      104960      9  15/Oct/2000:05
   23       95124     13  28/Oct/2000:20
   23      147208      0  11/Oct/2000:19
   22      145980      2  25/Oct/2000:14
   22      177614      0  09/Oct/2000:18
   21      151308      0  23/Oct/2000:11

The most commonly accessed URL's

Number of Total Accesses Bytes Size 304's URL -------------------------------------------- 372 9205769 26780 24 / 246 84668 347 2 /robots.txt 231 1790587 8341 16 /micropolis.html 222 2038192 9799 14 /bg_white.gif 184 930204 5346 10 /msfreeanima.gif 138 566446 4643 16 /cpu-pp.gif 137 279240 2148 7 /gkey_bar_wh.gif 130 498004 4082 8 /ribbonsm.gif 129 265472 2176 7 /anim_vi.gif 127 60480 504 7 /anybrow5.gif 123 1531764 13092 6 /bogmind.gif 117 1002685 8719 2 /ti-modules.html 93 1157400 12860 3 /hype.html 80 329329 4277 3 /other-kropfs.html /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ 1 207 207 0 /one-liners01.htmlhttp:/www.powerseek.com/flash/ 1 26476 26476 0 /index.html

The people most often accessing your server

Number of Total Accesses Bytes 304's Host/IP ----------------------------------------- 101 907960 0 www.ip3000.com 67 365166 0 marvin.northernlight.com 65 541909 0 atrax1.pa-x.dec.com 44 358584 0 30 146499 9 30 67832 21 wan-25-62.sdsl.bestweb.net 29 264883 0 atrax0.pa-x.dec.com /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ 1 8341 0 uss.com 1 15083 0 cache-mtc-al08.proxy.aol.com 1 8341 0 pD9003D37.dip.t-dialin.net

A sorted list of "Referrers" to your web site.

"http://99er.hispeed.com/prod.html" [02/Oct/2000:00:55:10] /ti-modules.html "http://99er.hispeed.com/prod.html" [06/Oct/2000:13:43:18] /ti-modules.html "http://99er.hispeed.com/prod.html" [06/Oct/2000:16:32:21] /ti-modules.html "http://99er.hispeed.com/prod.html" [07/Oct/2000:08:04:54] /ti-modules.html "http://99er.hispeed.com/prod.html" [08/Oct/2000:12:33:16] /ti-modules.html "http://99er.hispeed.com/prod.html" [08/Oct/2000:12:33:23] /ti-modules.html "http://99er.hispeed.com/prod.html" [09/Oct/2000:10:20:26] /ti-modules.html "http://99er.hispeed.com/prod.html" [20/Oct/2000:23:46:44] /ti-modules.html "http://ask.com/main/metaanswer.asp?metaEngine=directhit&origin=0&MetaURL=http%3A%2F%2Fask%2Edirecthit%2Ecom%2Ffcgi%2Dbin%2FRedirURL%2Efcg%3Furl%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Ekropf%2Enet%2Fmicropolis%2Ehtml%26qry%3DMicropolis%26rnk%3D1%26src%3DDH%5FAsk%5FSRCH&qCategory=jeeves&metaTopic=Your+Micropolis+drive+fail%2C+too%3F&ItemOrdinal=0&logQID=67E7BAAE96F3D44D80028FE0CF66C76D&sv=61" [27/Oct/2000:07:05:26] /micropolis.html /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ "http://www.webcrawler.com/cgi-bin/WebQuery?search=Parsec%2C+Munchman%2C+Hunt+the+Wompas&src=wc_results&showSummary=false" [04/Oct/2000:17:12:42] /ti-modules.html "http://www.webcrawler.com/cgi-bin/WebQuery?search=ti99%2F4a&src=wc_more&start=75&showSummary=false&perPage=25" [04/Oct/2000:17:34:35] /ti-modules.html "http://www.webcrawler.com/cgi-bin/WebQuery?searchText=%22TI+99%22" [30/Oct/2000:20:05:36] /ti-modules.html "http://www.worldnet.att.net/cgi-bin/websearch?cmd=qry&qry=airport+and+x-ray+and+laptop" [07/Oct/2000:00:40:29] /travel-tips.html "http://www.worldnet.att.net/cgi-bin/websearch?cmd=qry&qry=x-ray+and+laptops&image.x=4&image.y=25" [01/Oct/2000:01:00:33] /travel-tips.html These are web pages of others that contain "links" into your site. The beginning of each line is the URL (address) that contained the link. Often these are dynamic search engine pages that listed your web site. These are often very enlightening (even surprising!) as they disclose the actual keywords that were used to find your site. The date/time stamp is listed next. The last field is the page referred to at your site. As in previous log entries, these pages don't necessary exist, they simply show the URL that the link pointed to. (Your home page is listed as either "/index.html", or simply "/".) Ranking: A big question is: How do I improve the 'ranking' in search engines? The actual criteria used by each particular search engine is usually a carefully guarded secret (to prevent 'spamming a search engine'). However, a site gets higher ranking for many of the (common sense) reasons including, but not limited to: A common problem seen recently are links embedded in Flash or Javascript. While these techniques may be visually appealing, the search engine's 'robots' are usually 'blind' to these links! Many beautiful sites have provided no way for the 'bots' to crawl and index such a web site. Keep in mind that most search engines can not and/or will not follow Flash OR Javascript links. To increase search engine crawling capability, include a text menu for the site, at least listed at the bottom of the home page. You might also create a 'site map' page that has links to all of your pages (such as Kropf.com has at http://Kropf.com/sitemap.html) and make sure that it is reachable from a simple text link on the 'home page' (index.html). For improved Google ranking, here's the page to start from: http://www.google.com/webmasters/ There seems to be a lot of pages that are not directly linked in a progressive chain, so I suggest going back to this page, and view each of the links until you've viewed them all (looking for the yet unvisited links).

(The three sections above have been reduced in this example)